Wonderful resource i've been using to take a look at a variety of alphabets, syllabaries and other visual systems in order to gain some perspective and establish a point or origin.
I have on major internal conflict at this point; aesthetics vs function. I want to create a set of symbols that are understandable without specific cultural knowledge. A system that doesn't use the sort of cultural shorthand we often use day to day. However i'd also like to create a system that looks appealing and consistent. I do not wish to simply recreate images in order to communicate. Looking at many written forms of languages from around the world i've been inspired but also disheartened. These written forms can be so simple and beautiful because they must only communicate a sound, not an idea.
I still believe it possible, it will just take a good bit of work figuring out what makes sense and what doesn't when things are simplified. When does a stick figure become unrecognizable as a human.
http://www.omniglot.com/writing/signwriting.htm - this is the page on signwriting, something that has obvious application to what i'm working on but also makes apparent how such a system can become overcomplicated. It is also pretty ugly and i'd like to make something much more elegant.
http://www.omniglot.com/writing/lontara.htm - I find Lontara to be wonderful. the forms are striking and when combined they make for a beautiful and rhythmic line.
These are in a sense the extremes i'm looking at, finding a happy medium will be the main objective.